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Open Space Office

The Cargile Group

A Leading Ad Agency

Coworking Space

About Us

With over 20 years of marketing experience, the Cargile Group can elevate your Brand and improve your return on advertising.  

Give us the opportunity to review your current ad campaigns or marketing mix and find out how we can maximize your investment and double your return.

Work Team Meeting

Google AI does Not work for you

Google AI works for Google

Allowing Google AI to make your bids is like going to a car auction and allowing the auction house bid for you, and bid on any type of cars that might match your your interests. 

If the auction house sets the bid, do you think it will give the buyer the best price?  The answer is, of course, no. 

Find out how we can help you win auctions at the right price and get the maximum ROI out of your digital campaigns. 



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